Tuesday, June 17, 2014


In the last decade, injection lipolysis is increasingly utilized in aesthetic medicine world wide, due to its excellent results and also, due to the multiple benefits this method offers:

  • it is a minimal invasive procedure
  • it doesn't require previous anesthesia
  • no recovery time needed - the patient can return to his activity immediately after the treatment ("lunch break procedure")
  • side effects are virtually non-existent

The short history of the injection lipolysis starts in the '80s of the last century, when Dr. Sergio Maggiori injected for the first time Phosphatidylcholine directly into fat deposits (xanthelasma) in the periorbital area. A few years later, Dr. Rittes - a Brazilian  physician - utilized the injection lipolysis to 'melt' the infraorbital fat deposits (the areas beneath the eyes). In 2002, the Austrian physician Dr.Hasengeschwandtner, introduced an innovative protocol using new ingredients. He also initiated the research in this field.

The treatment targets small and medium localized fat deposits that are resistant to diet and physical exercise - double chin, neck, knees, ankles, love handles.This procedure can also be effectively used  in other body areas - the inner thighs, upper arms, abdomen, back. Lipolysis through mesotherapy  implies a specific injection technique consisting of multiple subcutaneous injections by which the active ingredients reach the fat tissue.

What is actually happening?  The injected substances (usually a mixture of 3-4 active ingredients) melt the fat tissue by causing an inflammatory reaction, resulting in fat splitting and breaking down the lipids. The active ingredients accelerate the elimination of the fat metabolites through the gastrointestinal and urinary systems. Combinations of lipolytic stimulators seem to produce increased stimulation than individual components - I always use in my treatments cocktails of 3-4 substances.
Lidocaine or other topic anesthetics should not be used in combination for mesotherapy solution, because they inhibit lipolysis.

The protocol consists of minimum 4 sessions at intervals of 7-10 days . Side effects that can occur are: localized burning sensation, erythema and oedema, transient urticaria, ecchymoses and hematomas and rarely -  infectious granulomatous reaction that spontaneously resolve within one month, skin ulceration that could be due to injections placed too superficially. Also, inadvertent injection into muscles causes immediate pain.
Absolute contraindications for injection lipolysis are pregnancy and the lactation period, systemic and autoimmune diseases, etc.
Usually, the effects become noticeable very quickly, after 2-3 sessions. The number of sessions needed to obtain the desired results is different from one patient to another, depending on the age of the patient, on the treated area, on the size of the fat deposit.

It is important to mention that injection lipolysis is not a weight loss method.
Balanced eating, correct hydration and sustained physical activity will contribute to maintaining the effects of this therapy for a long period of time.

In numerous situations, injectable lipolysis is an alternative to surgical  liposuction; it can also be used as a post liposuction 'touch up' procedure.
After a long controversial period, injectable lipolysis is considered these days to be a safe and efficient method for reshaping the body.

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