Thursday, January 19, 2017


Photorejuvenation is a therapeutic method utilized for the treatment of various skin conditions (acne, rosacea, scars, stretch marks, etc.) and for removing the signs of photo aging such as wrinkles, pigmented lesions, changes in skin texture. This  therapy implies the use of either LASER or IPL light energy. The principle is the following: in contact with the skin, light energy converts to thermal energy, which, to a certain extend, reverses the signs of photo aging by removing the appearance of the damaged skin. In addition, the process induces controlled trauma of the skin, determining self healing by creating new cells and by stimulating synthesis of new collagen fibers.

IPL is a broadband, polychromatic light, with wave length generally between 500-1000 nm. LASER is a monochromatic light, with a unique wave length.

IPL photorejuvenation is, in my opinion, the treatment of choice for benign pigmented lesions (freckles, birthmarks, age spots) and vascular lesions (telangiectasia, cherry angioma, congenital angioma), for post-acne scars and stretch marks, as well as for problems caused by photo aging (wrinkles, sagged skin, etc.)

Due to the rapid technological evolution, there is now the improved version of IPL - Square Pulsed Light SPL. The innovation is represented by the fact the energy level is constant throughout the duration of the light pulse, resulting in an increased efficiency.

The process by which IPL treats the different target lesions is the selective photothermolysis - the light energy turns into thermal energy in contact with the skin; this thermal energy sterilizes the microbial outbreaks accumulated in the sebaceous glands - in acne; destroys the melanin in hair follicles or in pigmented lesions. It is also the thermal energy that determines blood clotting in dilated capillaries - in rosacea, telangiectasia, cherry angioma or other vascular lesions.
The main reaction induced by IPL is stimulating the synthesis of new collagen. The result is skin rejuvenation - a clear, smooth, tight skin with a homogeneous texture.
The areas which can be treated with IPL are: face, neck, cleavage, upper back, hands; practically, all areas where skin is affected by photo aging.

 The treatment protocol should be personalized - the number of sessions and the intervals between them depend on the condition we want to treat, on the patient's age and skin type.
My protocol - I generally commence with an intensive treatment, consisting of 4-6 sessions every 3 weeks, followed by maintenance sessions done every 6-8 weeks.

Stanford University study, published in August 2012 in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, reveals that broadband light therapy can change the genetic expression associated with the aging process to a young skin pattern. The study, led by dermatologist Dr. Anne Chang, strongly supports the hypothesis, that broadband light therapy is not simply a cosmetic procedure used to achieve a youthful appearance, but a method to provide a functional change of the genetic pattern of aging.
"As an industry, to find a clinically sound solution for human anti aging is critical", said Dr. Macrene Alexiades-Armenakas from Yale University Scool of Medicine. "As a practicing physician in the field of dermatology, it is exciting to know there  is a safe, light based treatment with groundbreaking clinical evidence supporting anti aging and the reversal of skin damage available to our patients".
It has been demonstrated, that maintaining a steady annual rhythm of photo rejuvenation sessions with broadband light, we can reduce and delay the signs of aging, preserving a youthful, natural appearance.

The benefits of this treatment are numerous:
- it is a non invasive, fast method with remarkable results obtained in a short time
- minor side effects - mild redness of the skin, mild feeling of warmth
- mild discomfort during the treatment, practically painless
- no downtime - patients can resume their activity immediately after the session,
  younger than before!

1 comment:

  1. Photo Rejuvenation includes a variety of non-invasive cosmetic treatments which use natural energy from light to improve the skin. During photo rejuvenation procedures targeted areas are treated without damaging the surrounding areas.


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